Official statement Casino Marbella temporary closure in January 2021

Following the new guidelines established by the Authorities for the containment of the contagion by COVID-19, Casino Marbella will remain temporarily closed from January 26th 2021 until further notice.
Unfortunately, the general situation is not improving, and we must be responsible by following all possible recommendations for the common good.
We will continue to report on the progress of the situation and the date of reopening through our website and social media profiles.
If you need to contact us, please send us an email to:
We take this opportunity to remind you that we currently undergo regular external audits to confirm the effectiveness of our protocols and their correct execution. Proof of this is the recently awarded C-19 Certified Responsible Management Seal.
Casino Marbella team would like to thank all customers and visitors for their support. Now, it is time to be individually responsible and comply with all recommendations in order to get back to normal as soon as possible.


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